Who are the leaders in Digital Book World?


The world is changing very drastically nowadays. Each day something pops up differently. When comparing the older generation with the new generation, a lot of differences can be spotted out. Hope there will be many who agree on this. Nowadays a lot of activities is done on the internet unlike the older days. The world is full of gadgets as well. There are many a people who shop online rather than wasting their precious time strolling inside the shops and finding out things to buy. Who would miss such an opportunity when you get things in hand when ordered?

Amazon.com is a well known American e-commerce company with headquarters in Seattle, Washington, United States. It is one of the world’s largest online retailer.It sells a range of products and is also known as a provider of cloud computing services. In 2012, the inauguration of the Digital Book World took place: Discoverability plus a  Marketing Conference in which Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Harper Collins collaborated. The event mainly focused on enhancing the marketing and discoverability of books and this seems to be the first-ever global meet-up held so far for two days continuously. The basic objective from this conference was to help the attendees gain some practical insights and innovative strategies as well as real life examples that could help in the selling of books.

The conference consisted of a mix of speakers ranging from retailers such as Amazon and Barnes &Noble, speakers from the digital marketing industry and also authors who had a great success using various online platforms . All of them together were able to create a dynamic environment as well as a unique learning experience. The second day of the conference revolved on building an online community of “fans” through e-mail marketing, content marketing and towards the end a lesson on how to use social media to engage and retain a customer base as well as to create a brand loyalty was conducted.

This event has definitely boosted up the knowledge of the publishing experts as well as the important marketing insiders within the industry. On the contrary, readers might as well gained a clear description on enhancing their purchase of books through the already introduced methods. Do you think this action could lead in the increasing ratio of books? Will it affect the online platforms accordingly in a positive way? Let’s wait and find out!