Contextual targeting is back, and it’s crucial.


Companies and advertisers on the internet have revived contextual targeting after being ignored for some time as they favoured techniques that were less intrusive to users’ privacy. The shift back to contextual advertising is happening as a consequence of rules growing more stringent and browsers becoming more resistant to cookies.

In the following stage, companies need to ensure that contextual targeting is included in their media mix and include it in their online marketing plan for 2022. This method of targeting brings products naturally into the line of sight of clients, increasing interaction and leads.

Contextual targeting, as opposed to behavioural targeting, which relies on tracking pixels and cookies, displays advertisements according to the terms on a website. It will show advertisements that are pertinent to the information that is shown on the page.

Customers that see the website receive the benefits of contextual targeting since the advertising they see is relevant to the context of the page they are viewing; as a result, they have a higher viewability. According to research conducted by Seedtag, the industry’s preeminent rich media platform, contextual targeting combined with rich media advertising led to a greater view quality when measured by eye-tracking technology. This was determined by observing how long viewers looked at the advertisements.

Within digital and display advertising, context is becoming an increasingly important factor as advertisers attempt to direct their advertising campaigns to the appropriate individuals or locations.

Targeting an audience contextually can be done using one of two common approaches:

1. You can choose what specific creative your ads appear to directly or adjust the material based on the text and keywords on a web page.

2. Employ your demand-side platform (DSP) to perform programmatic keyword and phrase targeting and then buy ad inventory that corresponds to the targeted terms and phrases.

Your marketing will feel more personalised as a result of contextual targeting, and the likelihood of a transaction will increase as a result of this. It is advantageous in many different ways, including the following:

Helps to cut down on the amount of noise generated by banners

Banner noise, also referred to as banner blindness, is a common occurrence that has trained customers to ignore advertisements reflexively. Displaying advertisements pertinent to the context in which they are viewed is one way in which contextual targeting can contribute to the solution of the problem.

On a website dedicated to film criticism, for instance, advertisements for websites where movie tickets may be purchased will have a greater degree of contextual relevance than advertisements for the sale of toys.

Infolinks were polled to counteract the phenomenon known as banner blindness. According to the study’s findings, consumers remembered advertisements for less well-known brands that were contextually relevant 82 per cent more often than they remembered commercials for well-known corporations that were unconnected to the website’s content.

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