Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing tools


From the marketing perspective, the business’s goal is to market the bespoke products and services to enhance the top line and also make sufficient gains to meet future uncertainties. The profit earning sectors are experiencing unfavourable circumstances. Technologies have stepped into this complex environment to extend their helping hands to the businesses.

The key takeaway for businesses during the crisis is that the robust digital presence is imperative for business sustainability. But the traditional marketing techniques failed to handle data explosion. Therefore businesses are adopting AI-powered digital marketing tools into data-driven customer insights. Hence the businesses will gain maximum return on investments. Oodles AI is a well-positioned AI Development Company. It exhibits AI-led marketing strategies for restoring business growth and sustainability post-crisis time.

The marketers are observing a spike in businesses directing to digital marketing through websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and diverse e-commerce portals. With the tremendous increase in the spread coronavirus, the businesses are bound to abandon offline marketing, face-to-face interactions with the customers are also restricted. Hence, the companies have to shift their path towards digital channels for marketing and embrace the transformations occurring in the midst of COVID-19.

Primarily the core 4Ps in marketing namely Product, Price, Place, Promotion. Ultimately the 4Ps need to be redesigned coupled with AI-powered digital marketing tools. To mitigate the challenges in business companies need to make effective efforts in adopting digital marketing strategies with AI solutions. The main goal is to add greater value and insights to the 4Ps of marketing.

The capabilities of AI that will benefit the companies include

  • Market trend prediction
  • Product recommendations
  • Demand forecasting
  • Quality control analysis
  • Predictive analysis

In times of difficulties, Oodles AI is exploring new opportunities to adopt emerging technologies and to restore business growth and sustainability. The major drawback of going digital is the failure to understand the dynamic needs and preferences of the customers. Resolving the failure with the help of the onset of marketing campaigns and AI-driven insights will add greater value and generate maximum RoI.