Evolution amidst the pandemic: HR trends


The greatest HR trend of 2020 is the incorporation of AI tools into everyday HR operations. This great technological breakthrough paved way for more advanced people analytics and online assessment with the help of specialized tools and benchmarks.

Regardless of industry, the coronavirus disease made the working environments risky and vulnerable. The HR professionals had to make quick decisions regarding the operational plans and policies, manage workforce redeployment, update the system, and shift to the world of augmented reality

Setting up a crisis management system will help control and make use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), real-time alerting systems, process automation, etc. Crisis management is often manifested in operations, infrastructure development, public relations, and also system reinforcement. The team foresees the upcoming contingencies and puts a plan to mitigate the effects of the crisis. Thus, the crisis management system responds to every adverse situation systematically and also takes precautionary measures. 

Proximity barriers were swiped out with the work from the home trend. This helped the human resources to safeguard themselves from the disease and also to get things done on time. Many novel biometric devices were introduced to avoid fraud within the system and record everything systematically. Unlike the old technology of fingerprint scanners, computer login, unique ID and verification, etc., the trend is persistently shifting to purely automated iris recognition devices, face recognizers, etc.

The employee experience can be assured by regulating the employee on-boarding process, asking for feedback, offering frequent rewards and recognitions, etc. Another factor is a matter of comfort. Some people will be comfortable with remote-working conditions; whereas others would be suffering out of isolation. HR managers should decide on ways to solve problems with the employees and assure their comfort. Employees also seek career growth and upskilling. HR must respond to the changing needs of employees and provide them with ample opportunities via training, setting goals, etc. 

Digitalized schedules and professional planning will help maintain the work-life balance of the employees, thus assuring their mental as well as physical fitness. The HR’s should also focus on maintaining a very friendly communication system to ensure employee engagement and collect on-time updates. Engaging employees with responsibilities rather than mere tasks will create new insights into them.

However, the continued growth of AI, expansion of virtual and augmented reality, cloud-based systems, specialized HR tools, biometrics, and other remote working technologies will surely create a new era of professional human resource management. Therefore, it is necessary to stay open to updates and install every bit of new advancements.