How to lodge a grievance if unable to withdraw or transfer PF money?


Many employees face difficulties in transferring their Employee Provident Fund (EPF) account from the previous organization to the new organization after switching their jobs or withdrawing money after leaving an organization. The difficulties may arise as a result of the differences in name, father’s name, date of birth, PAN / Aadhaar details, etc. mentioned in the EPF account compared to what is mentioned in the ID documents.

Often issues may occur due to the employer’s failure to deposit deposits in accounts or inconsistency in joining and leaving dates in EPF accounts, and the employee’s corresponding dates of joining and leaving the service. In the event of such problems, employees become frustrated due to employer non-cooperation and difficulty reaching out to the Employee’s Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has launched the EPF I Grievance Management System (EPFiGMS), a customized EPFO portal, aimed at redressing grievances for EPFO services. Also, grievances can be lodged anywhere and will land in the office concerned to which the grievances relate. Thus, grievances can be sent to the New Delhi headquarters or the country-wide field offices (now 135).

Several advanced features are added to the EPFiGMS 2.0 software. Some of the important features of EPFiGMS are:

  • The EPFiGMS offers PF members, EPS Pensioners, Employers, and others the right to lodge their grievances.
  • The revised EPFiGMS makes it easier to lodge grievances through the bilingual interface, and faster redress.
  • Once a grievance is registered, a unique registration number is generated by the EPFiGMS system, and auto-generates recognition, which is sent to the complaint via SMS & email.
  • The complaints could be uploaded along with more than one supporting document.
  • It enables the recognition of areas sensitive to grievance through a systematic categorization of grievances.
  • The complaints may view the current status of the grievances lodged and may send reminders for grievances pending or provide feedback on grievance redress.
  • This enables the validation/integration of EPS pensioner PPO numbers with the EPFO centralized database.
  • It enables the lodging of complaints about various available PF numbers in UAN.
  • Universal Account Number (UAN) integration with EPFO’s master database helps identify the EPF grievance redress bureau.
  • Online grievances/complaints based on UAN may be initiated through OTP (One Time Password) verification.

This initiative is put forward so that employees do not face any problems in transferring or withdrawing PF funds.