Indian Army to get new uniform! First look on January 15


Not long from now, on January 15, during the Army Day Parade, the principal look of the new battle uniform for its troopers will be in plain view.

Keeping under Make in India, the uniform of the fighters has been planned together by the Indian Army and the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). The plan which depends on troublesome advanced examples has been made remembering the solace and various territories where the warriors are conveyed.

Will it be accessible in the open market?

No. the recently planned texture for the trooper’s uniform won’t be accessible in the open market and will be given to officials and warriors in groups in their units.

Is there any valid reason why it won’t be accessible in the open market?

As per a senior official, “Because of safety reasons, the recently planned troublesome example for the uniform won’t be accessible in the open market.”

This implies when the organization reacts to the open delicate, orders will be put in mass for garbs of various sizes, which will be shipped off different units and arrangements of the Indian Army, and these can be purchased there.


The Ministry of Defense had been intending to change the uniform of the Indian Army remembering the different climate conditions and the landscapes-outrageous blistering and freezing temperature, and the material to be utilized-Terrycot isn’t happy for the fighter in various conditions just as the cotton material. Accordingly, the material that has been distinguished to be utilized is probably going to be sturdier and lighter remembering the officer’s solace.

There have been concerns raised by the Indian Army about the battle regalia which are worn by the paramilitary powers just as the state police. These worries were raised to the Ministry of Defense and Home Affairs.

The Colour of the new uniform pattern: Will remain the same – a mix of Olive and earthy colours.

Will they be tucked up?

No. While the uniform pant will have extra pockets, in the new plan, the shirts are not relied upon to be wrapped up.

What’s to expect?

There could be an adjustment of how the help stripes are shown. In the current uniform, the stripes are put on the shoulders which indicate the positions, yet presently there are plans to move it to front buttons and there could be changes in how the belts are worn.

How frequently has the Indian Army changed its uniform?

Three times

The initial time was post Independence and it was done to guarantee that the garbs of Indian and Pakistan powers are unique.

In 1980, one more change was completed and was named Disruptive Pattern (DP) Battle Dress.

In 2005, for the third time, the public authority chose to change the uniform again to help in separating the Army DP Battle Dress for the regalia of CRPF and BSF.

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