Klarity: An AI tool to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in the food business


With the emergence of COVID-19, the food businesses need to update the risk assessment to avoid future liability issues and also to take action to reduce the impact of the virus on the workforce. The creation of a new AI platform can manage the risk of COVID-19 in the workforce thus helping the food businesses.

UK government makes the risk assessment compulsory and if any business fails to do so they could be in a breach of health and safety law. Therefore, the risk needs to be managed properly and to be given priority by the employers. A wider context of the workforce needs to be considered and the procedures to be conducted without fail.

To predict, monitor, and test the health and safety of the workforce on the food sector, a new tool that leverages artificial intelligence was developed by digital health tech companies such as Delfin Health and DocHQ. Employers need to follow the government guidelines as they are directly involved in food processing and handling of food production. AI can give a real-time understanding of the health of the workers in the food businesses.

There are tools such as Klarity that can reduce the risk and provide a long term solution to a health crisis and this can come in handy for essential food businesses if there is a spike in COVID-19. As most of the food businesses remain open, it is essential to ensure the safety of the workforce in the industry.

Due to the localized outbreaks, certain facilities in the food industry were shut down. In certain areas, they only tested the symptomatic people which also increased the spread of the disease. In the US and Germany, the virus spread increased in the food manufacturing units because of the close contact of the workforce. Thus, it shows that there should be systematic testing to reduce the risk. Lack of resources to test the entire population makes it more difficult.

According to Will Kooper, CEO and founder at Delfin Health, Digital AI platform Klarity takes a different approach rather than simply testing the entire workforce due to cost and capacity restraints. It is a solution that filters the asymptomatic infected people from the large workforce which reduces the number of tests and decreasing the uncertainty in the workplace.

Klarity uses one of the largest patient datasets in the world is used to develop the algorithm within Klarity and use this information to predict the mortality risk of a patient. The technology tracks the asymptomatic person using optional daily symptom checking, live virus, and antibody testing methodologies.

The use of Klarity will not only reduce the risk of outbreaks in a food business but also ensure the safety of the workers in the food business.