Spotify drives the retail journey of the Omnishopper


Given today’s buy-anywhere retail environment, there has never been a better time to be a shopper. Deals are aplenty in stores, on social media, and at your fingertips from the comfort of your couch. By 2024, mobile commerce is predicted to account for 83 percent of all e-commerce sales and 8% of total retail1.

Nowadays, shopping has evolved to the point where points of discovery diverge from actual points of purchase. A product on a streaming site like Spotify captures the attention of a shopper, who then visits the store or their chosen e-commerce platform to purchase it.

In omnichannel surfing, catch the huge wave.

There are more ways to buy and even more venues for customers to locate that wonderful deal, with e-commerce sales predicted to climb by 27 percent by the end of 20211. More accessibility does not make it easier for companies to target an ‘omnishopper,’ who shops across numerous platforms and locations.

Because this generation is spoiled for choice, communicating to them must be genuine, customized, and respectful of their time and sensitivities. They’ll bounce if they don’t. As a result, brands must promote in places where people trust.

Omnishoppers go out of their way to make a statement. Paid advertising is where 89.7% of Spotify Free users find brands and products2. It’s a source of pride to be the first in their group to discover a new song by a favorite musician, just as it is to be the first in their group to discover a new song by a favorite artist.

They enjoy the thrill of the hunt and know where to look for it, as evidenced by the fact that 43% of Gen Z Spotify users have heard a song on social media and subsequently searched for it on Spotify3. That’s why our listeners come to us hungry to learn more, spending an average of 2.5 hours per day on Spotify, with multi-device Spotify Free users spending an average of 1.5 hours per day4.

Another important factor for brands to consider is what our listeners are planning. After postponing purchases until 2020, one-third of Spotify customers are considering huge, high-ticket purchases.

Assist Spotify users in spotting the next great thing: your brand.

Spotify users are well-versed in the latest internet buying trends. Spotify Free listeners are roughly 4.3 times more likely to discover brands and products through music streaming than through TV commercials, and 1.5 times more likely to discover brands and products via radio ads2. Offers and perks can be the deciding factor in a myriad of choices. Easy returns are preferred by 51 percent, while discounts and coupons are preferred by 45 percent.

It all comes down to targeting the proper audience and allowing the interested listener to learn new things in a safe atmosphere. Spotify has created a platform that listeners return to every day, providing brands with the ideal vantage point to reach the elusive omnishopper.

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