A ‘Thank You’ Note from Spotify


Spotify, a Swedish audio streaming and media services provider launches its new international ad named “Thank You”. The video is a tribute to some of the biggest trends of the year 2020, as it is an unforgettable year. Job and courses moved online, and parenting became a complex matter. The cornerstone of the 21st-century parent-children partnership is all about parents telling their children to do mobile-related tasks for them, and later prohibiting them from using phones.

The video features call from Zoom, simulated concerts, and playlists looking forward to the next year. It also paid tribute to the vital workers, who kept the economy running despite the COVID pandemic. While we are sitting in a safe zone, there are certainly other individuals who put their life at risk so that others would be safe. There are references to painting, gardening, virtual writing, and several other hobbies that people took up during the quarantine period. Even though 2020 seems to be the most unpleasant and toughest year which humans ever faced, it would generate a great platform to evaluate what we are and what is our potential because several skills that were inbuilt could come out during this pandemic.

Sweatpants, podcasts, and murder hornets were also referenced. The video concludes with a positive note, saying that to finish the year with a better community. Spotify introduced ‘Wrapped’ earlier in December 2020, which is a worldwide overview of the listening trends of an individual. ‘Wrapped’ has been all about telling a tale of appreciation and optimism this year. This pandemic made everything into a near-standstill environment but there are certain peoples like musicians, passionate listeners, regular playlist creators, and podcast producers who stay with the viewers and let them enjoy the new normal. The main goal of this video is to highlight those people who have kept people amused, grounded, and updated.

 It is a tribute to listeners who have made the year 2020 unforgettable – one song at a time, getting through it.