Successful analytics are essential for app promotion.


Data is the gasoline that keeps your app marketing campaign running if it is a highly calibrated machine. Every marketer ought to be aware of this. And developing tactics that effectively utilize the data at your disposal is crucial for success in an ecosystem for app marketing where data protection and user acquisition (UA) are more complicated than ever.

At a high level, companies that employ data-driven strategies generate five to eight times the ROI of those that don’t. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that data is considered by 87 percent of marketers to be their company’s most underutilized asset and that 40 percent of firms intend to raise their spending for data-driven marketing.

It’s not always simple, though. Since app marketers must analyze data from an expanding number of sources, agility and adaptability are crucial for success. The capacity to react quickly is essential because a campaign’s success or failure can be determined by a few percentage points. This ultimately indicates that the mix of a marketer’s abilities and the caliber of the resources at their disposal determines their level of success.

There are many different aspects to evaluate and examine with the data sets coming in from sources like APIs, attributions, approved App Tracking Transparency (ATT) installs, and SK Ad Network postbacks.

The secret to better decision-making and a vital element of the success of app marketing is having all of this data in one location. When switching between spreadsheets, software packages, and dashboards, how can a marketer appropriately compare and contrast? Teams should also be given the freedom to concentrate on growth and strategy rather than spending hours making sure the statistics add up.

After a user downloads an app, marketing continues.

App marketing increasingly extends past the initial download. To prevent your UA budget from being wasted on users who leave or don’t show an ROI, retention, and engagement are crucial.

The average global retention rate across verticals and device types at day 30 is 6%, according to Adjust statistics. This indicates that 94% of the users you add to a specific cohort will become inactive within a month. Having complete visibility into the user journey is essential for boosting those figures. With the ability to discover churn points and behaviors that imply LTV, or lifetime value, you can optimize your user experience (UX) to better meet user needs, eliminate problems, and comprehend the campaigns and channels that are attracting the highest-quality users for your app.

An aggregated data perspective ultimately enables UA and marketing teams to concentrate on more strategic and creative tasks, enabling more successful campaigns and more effective use of marketing expenditures.

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