YouTube will remove videos carrying false claims about abortion


YouTube stated on Thursday, in a series of Twitter tweets, that it will begin eliminating videos containing incorrect claims about abortion to combat misinformation about the medical process. The development follows the United States government’s decision to revoke the right to abortion in various locations around the country, as well as an increase in the number of women seeking accurate pregnancy-related information online.

According to the YouTube release, “beginning today and ramping up over the following few weeks, we will delete the video that gives instructions for dangerous abortion methods or promotes false claims about abortion safety under our medical misinformation standards.”

The company further stated that “like all of our policies on health/medical subjects, we depend on public recommendations from health authorities. We give linking people to content from reliable sources on health matters a high priority, and we constantly assess our policies and goods as actual events take place.”

In addition, the business announced that “it would create an information panel that provides viewers with context and information from local and global health authorities under abortion-related films and above relevant search results.”

It was said by the company that “it would accept content that breaches the misleading policies specified on this page provided that content contains extra context in the video, audio, title, or description. This is not a green light to spread false information. Contextual information may also include opposing opinions from regional health authorities or medical professionals. Additionally, if the content’s goal is to denounce, refute, or parody false information that is against our policies, we might make an exception.

According to an ANI report quoting CNN, the policy modification comes in the wake of increasing attention to abortion and the accessibility of the operation since the Supreme Court last month overruled Roe v Wade. Medical professionals have cautioned that unscrupulous actors may try to capitalize on the confusion and emotional upset generated by various states limiting access to abortion to promote misleading claims about the surgery. The CNN story went on to say that toxicologists have expressed worries about risky “DIY” abortion techniques that have been circulated on social media.

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